Saturday, July 7, 2012

Nany's most embarrassing moment to date.

So here I was, about 7 months pregnant sitting at Church on a beautiful fast and testimony meeting on a Sunday morning. I decided, kind of towards the end of the meeting, to get up and bear my testimony. I went up, bore my testimony and felt great. So as I was coming down from the pulpit - and all of this seemed to happen in slow motion - I hit something with my foot; I could not identify in my head what it was. I soon began to realize that I was falling, and there was nothing I could do! As I was falling sideways, I could sort of see and hear the whole congregation go "AHHHHH!" And I finally hit the floor. It turns out I tripped on the Primary children stool, that the 2nd counselor in the bishopric a.k.a. Zane Hanzon, had "moved" to the side after a Primary girl bore her testimony. So there I was on the floor, terribly confused, terribly embarrassed, and TERRIBLY scared for my baby. The High Council man tried to help me get up (and by then I'm sure I had flashed the entire bishopric), as Zane jumped out of his his seat. But I just wanted to crawl down the stairs. I didn't want to get up, I was too embarrassed! I said something like: Zane, did YOU move that??? I took it so personal! (silly pregnant hormones..) Then, as Zane was helping me down the stairs, I just waved at all 200 eyeballs that were on me, and said something like: I'm OK! (as I thought...and PLEASE stop staring at me with your worried faces!). Zane sat by me for the rest of the meeting, and I just didn't want to look at anyone! Or move! At the end of the meeting, some people came to check on me, and I even had a cute Mexican lady ask me if I had been "overcome by the Spirit" by the end of my testimony, because that is what it had looked like to her. Luckily, after I got home, I laid down and felt the baby move. We called the Dr. the next day, and everything looked good. :) Lesson of the story? Don't bear your testimony when you are pregnant! Just kidding.

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