Monday, October 6, 2008

Random happenings Part IV - Haley's and Reece's Open House in Colorado

We drove up to Colorado on Labor Day Weekend for Haley's and Reece's Open House. It was SO fun!! Haley looked SO good, and her hair looked beautiful!!! (Not that I helped...). Haley, I just loved your dress! Oh Reece, you looked great too! ;) There were lots of guests, really good food, beautiful flowers, INCREDIBLE home made raspberry sherbet (thanks Thais!), conversation with former high school teachers, friends and family, and....awesome presents for the new Hanzon fam!!

After the Open House we HAD to play a game of CRUD, yes CRUD. Zane will later explain what this game...I am sorry this sport is all about! Reagan was our LEADER, and Emily and Don joined us (we love them!! ), and so did Michelle, Luke's friend who served a mission in CHILE!! She did a great job as a greeny in the game of CRUD.

On Sunday afternoon Zane and I went for our "Sunday walk." talked about deep doctrine, McConkie versus Talmage, saw a beautiful rainbow, eagles, birds, but NO PRAIRIE DOGS! I was heartbroken. I love prairie dogs, but it had rained, so they were probably in their underground caverns getting warm.

We just had a GREAT time in colorful Colorado :)


Lonely Paul said...
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cornflakes said...

Oye como le hacen ustedes para ir de boda en boda!! chupalla, al último casorio que fui..fue al mio!!! pa que veas tu como esta la cosa! nadie se ha casado ( y que me haya invitado po! ) jajaj viendo el lado positivo..mejor...asi ahorro NO comprando regalos..pero igual no mas po! quiero comer torta de novios ( aunque ahora no me preocuparia en agarrar el ramo) pero asi no mas es la cosa. besines.

Scott and Laura said...

Sounds like you're having fun! I'm so happy for you!

Anonymous said...

La pelacable de tu amiga (osea Yo) metio manos donde no debia y cambio el nombre de la pagina de su blog sin querer queriendo.

El blog q teniamos antes ya no funciona. Nuestra nueva pagina es

Para que nos actualizes en tu "Blogs we love" list.


Nadia said...

Tanto tiempo que no habia visto tu blog, como han estado? Aun siguen en Provo? -Nadia